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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nearly 13K Free Downloads In 48 Hours

In two days almost thirteen thousand people (world wide) downloaded Living Lies and I have to wonder ... What does that mean? It's crazy and scary. The thing is, is that it really is just a game of pricing, strategy and luck. 

My next concern, because there always has to be at least one, is that people like the book. I realize it isn't possible to please everyone but I do cross my fingers and hope it's a high percentage. There's expectations with such a catchy cover and though I was in categories with mostly men authors with war  covers I think Melanie can hold her own.

For the next couple of weeks I'm going to keep my eye on Second Chance. Not everyone emails or leaves 5 stars that they enjoyed the story but if they like Living Lies ... they'll want to read the sequel. (FYI *** 5 star comments are always, always appreciated as well as recommendations! - momentary pause for blatant plea for positive accolades.) 

And Moon Over Monsters was released on Kindle - book form will be out in May. I actually thought it would get some notice because of Living Lies free days. But sadly no. 

Remember to be kind.

Love All,

Monday, April 23, 2012

One Small Sound Can Change The Whole Meaning

We all have busy days.
You know what I'm sick of? Dieting. Hearing about dieting. Counting calories. Brown rice over white rice. All of it bores me to death. What a waste of time and energy. If I'm a little fat, who cares? Be a little more active each day, say no after the twentieth french fry and enjoy over worry.

I cannot express enough how much has put me to sleep lately. I'm so tired of the same old thing. I'm tired of television, radio and I'm tired of my own thoughts. I crowd my day with useless pondering, I think it is a honed procrastination technique. It ranges from ...
Have you ever wondered why self-deprecating is so similar to self-defecating? It's because when you put yourself down it is just like pooping all over yourself. Gross. I know. But it is something to think about.
To ....
I will never purchase a tree that doesn't work for me. I planted a couple of citrus trees over the weekend and was overjoyed with the idea that I will never want for a lemon – ever again. Marvelous. I'm thinking pecan tree next!

And either I'm suffering from heat exhaustion or struggling with thoughts that race out of my mind faster than my fingers can keep up. Why am I missing every third word I write? Is it misunderstood talent?

Three book related news events!

First I'm being interviewed for a magazine article on Monday. I get a little nervous with this kind of stuff.
Second, Living Lies is going to be FREE on Kindle Thursday and Friday or Friday and Saturday!
Third Moon Over Monsters will be out this on next week on Kindle!

Remember to be kind and don't self-defecate!

Love All,

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Strangers Have Feelings Too!

In the world where you are judged by strangers is a strange place to be. I realize that it's easy to write comments and complaints from a keyboard on your computer and I understand that everyone has an opinion and I also understand that not everyone has the same tastes. With that incredibly long sentence said I have to add a small reminder – it's perfectly legit to express you unhappiness or dislike for a ... novel, let's say ... however remember there is a human on the other end of your complaint. I think that constructive feedback is necessary and can often make for a better future product but personal attacks are never the answer.

Here is my gentle suggestion - being kind will never hurt.

Make Love Not War,

On Sale 3 Days Only - $2.99 Living Lies and $2.99 Second Chance on the Kindle!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Champagne and Pills - Bad Combination

Lately, I've been so crazed with trying to complete 2 books that I haven't had any time to think about interesting things to write about here. Sure, I've been impassioned by nonsense. But has any of it been any fun? Not really. Has any been insightful? Nope.
And to top things off, both my mom and my husband have become funnier! Neither are funny and that leads me down a scary path ... am I losing my sense of humor?

On a book writing note:
I am now going through round two of book three! Hip, hip! It is so much easier the second time around. The trouble I had starting this book is legendary! That may be an over representation of my troubles but I did run into difficulties during the first stages of this book. I'm not singing the hallelujah chorus just yet but the tune is in the background.

And I do have to say ... I'm liking it! I am going to pre-apologize for the ending - I just can't help it. I never really know when I reach the end until I'm there. It decides for me and even if I wanted to push it a little farther, it won't go. It fizzles.

I've even started pondering book titles, cover colors and images! This is near the stage that I start to feel it being wrapped up! But before I break out the champagne I have to look up and see the Moon Over Monsters manuscript sitting on the table. And that two inch pile of paper reminds me that – Yikes, this is a never ending process!
Well, I think it's about time for my pill.

Happy celebration of you religious freedom,