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Monday, August 20, 2012

The Art of Procrastination

It's been a long time since I've been here - summer vacation is over and the kids are at school. I admit, it makes me very sad. We had a great summer and they're off learning with friends and having a good time and me ... well, I'm sitting here rearranging furniture and pretty much doing everything except what I'm supposed to do. I've got the final edit going on Book 3 and I think that I have absolutely perfected the art of procrastination! Seriously, I am GOOD!

I'm also here to announce that Book 3 has an e-book release date! September 21st! The last day of summer - is this a technical date? yes and no. It's my birthday and I don't care what any scientist, religious or calendarist say ... 9/21 is always the last day of summer! And Pluto will always be a planet! I gladly challenge anyone to any of these arguments!

I've got a title and a cover but I think I want to announce those together and probably on the website in the next couple of days!

Hope all is well in your world and that you're remembering to Love All.


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